Website and CVS updates
The CinePaint website has been updated. I added some screenshots to the front page and organized it a little better. Because of defacing by spammers, our Wiki had become pretty useless. I'm sure this is a problem that could be fixed with enough effort, but since I'm the one who writes most of our docs anyway I brought the Wiki back into static pages using wget. The Wiki is gone. Maybe it will be back later. Rather than put effort into the Wiki, I want to blog here more. Anybody who wants to write docs, contact me. We'll figure out a way to get your docs up on the site without the Wiki. I also updated the software list and home page at
I can't remember the last time I took a weekend off. This weekend wasn't supposed to be off for me either, but instead of working as planned I got some sleep and puttered around. Part of my puttering was playing with CinePaint. I'd hardly thought about CinePaint since the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) back in February 2007. CinePaint had a booth at that event. I got some great feedback and ideas for going forward there. But, code doesn't write itself. I've been busy with life as a journalist and screenwriter in Hollywood.
I've been interested in playing with the Mac GTK-OSX version of CinePaint. This is a Mac Aqua-native version of CinePaint that was getting close to being usable when Andy Prock stepped away to join Apple. I haven't touched the Mac version of CinePaint in ages. As a first step toward taking a look at that, I created a README.mac.txt file that I commited to CVS.
Cinebrush is another FLTK-based paint program that's an interesting base for a version of CinePaint. Cinebrush is derived from Antipaint, a Linux clone of MS Paint. I've made some changes and have built it on WinXP. The nice thing about Cinebrush is it's less than 80 files. The issue with Glasgow, of course, is that there's a lot of code there and almost no documentation from the work done at the university.
Cinebrush is buggy, but easy to trace through in the debugger. The only image type Cinebrush can open currently is BMP. JPEG won't load at all, and PNG images look messed up. Rather than try to fix that, I want to eliminate that image loader code and bring over my img_img loader plug-ins, especially the brand new DPX loader I wrote from scratch. I made some Cinebrush changes this weekend to simplify the file selector and fix bugs. My next task may be to redesign the window layout to look like CinePaint and bring over the toolbar from Glasgow.
A bit of housekeeping, I enabled automatic notification of commits so I'll get emails whenever something is updated in CVS:
1. Checkout a copy of the CVSROOT module
2. Modify the 'loginfo' file, adding this line:
DEFAULT /cvsroot/sitedocs/CVSROOT/cvstools/syncmail %{sv}
3. Commit loginfo