CinePaint Glasgow 0.1 Released!
What's Glasgow?
CinePaint Glasgow is the next generation of CinePaint technology. CinePaint Film Gimp is a popular deep paint program used mainly in film industry for frame-by-frame image retouching (Cineon, DPX, OpenEXR, TIFF, JPEG, etc.). Users of CinePaint should look at Glasgow, but continue to use Film Gimp until Glasgow is stable.
What's in the 0.1b Release?
This is a technology evaluation release for developers and others interested to see where Glasgow is at. Basically, it proves that Glasgow exists and encourages developers to participate more. Expect lots of breakage and incompleteness. CineCalc, Mickey and synch are somewhat usable. CineBrush will draw but not open files (broken). Glasgow will open JPEG and TIFF files but not paint (broken). Yage will paint but not open files (broken).
CineBrush - FLTK 8-bit image editor
CineCalc - FLTK RPN calculator
Glasgow - FLTK deep paint image editor
Mickey - FLTK hex editor
Synch - Command-line clock sync tool
Test_Images - Sample JPEG and TIFF images
Yage - FLTK gradient editor
Synch uses a website's clock to set your local PC clock. Usage: 'synch []'. The default website if none is specified is Executing synch will set your PC clock to the correct time. If you're using time servers already or you have atomic clocks you don't need this. Unlike the time service, synch uses port 80. Handy if you need to sync the clock on a machine that's behind a firewall or don't want to fiddle with configuring time servers.
Revision 0.1b fixes a problem that some users had with a missing msc dll.
Compiled for Windows XP. The code is designed to be portable to Linux and Mac OS X (native Aqua, not X11), and should be available on those platforms soon.
Copyright and License
These programs are open source GPL, MPL, or BSD licensed, depending on the source. Each program's source code should contain full info. Software is provided as-is without warranty.
Sample images of military aircraft are from government archives and in the public domain. Image of Blue Lagoon in Iceland is copyright Robin Rowe and may be copied freely. Spot image by SoftImage artist Christian Deister is open source under the Tux license.
Sourceforge.netSource Code Available in CVS at SourceForge
Please use the CinePaint mailing lists at SourceForge (follow link from
Robin Rowe, CinePaint Project Manager
Beverly Hills, California